she has distinct ability 意味

  • まぎれもなく彼女には能力がある


        she hasの縮約形:    she's
        command has ability to locate:    コマンドは~を探す機能{きのう}を持っている
        creativity ability that someone has:    (人)が持って[に備わって]いる創造力{そうぞう りょく}
        she:    she 先方 せんぽう 彼女 かのじょ 同氏 どうし あの方 あのかた 彼奴 あいつ あの人 あのひと
        she's:    {1} : she is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : she has の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        distinct:     distinct adj. 異なる; 別な, 別個の; 明確な, はっきりした. 【副詞】 a biologically distinct species 生物学的に別個の種 The different layers of rock are chemically distinct from one another. 異なった岩層は互いに化学的に性質が異なる
        she she:    {名} :
        she-she:    {名} : 若い女
        grief stricken guilt she has lived with every day since her two grandsons died:    
        grief-stricken guilt she has lived with every day since her two grandsons died:    孫二人{まご ふたり}の死後{しご}、毎日{まいにち}のように思い出され悲嘆{ひたん}に暮れさせる罪
        彼女は間違った考え方をしている。=she has the wrong idea.:    She's got another thinkola coming.
        he or she:     he or she 1 ?he or she . he or she 2 [hí??(r)?í?] 【代】 ((正式))[everybody,nobodyなどの不定代名詞,person,readerなどの性別不特定の語を総称的に受けて] (その)人《◆従来のheの代用語;時にshe or heともいう;?he ,?they ,he/she,s/he》.
        he/she:    {代名} : 彼または彼女は[が]
        lao she:    老舎
        not impossible she:    《the ~》恋愛{れんあい}の対象{たいしょう}になりそうな女性{じょせい}


  1. "she has developed an american accent" 意味
  2. "she has devout wishes for your success" 意味
  3. "she has difficulty enduring solitude" 意味
  4. "she has difficulty relating socially with those she considers to be ill-educated" 意味
  5. "she has dimples on her cheeks and chin" 意味
  6. "she has done him no ill" 意味
  7. "she has done some very elegant embroidery" 意味
  8. "she has doubled his salary" 意味
  9. "she has earned a well-deserved fame" 意味
  10. "she has difficulty relating socially with those she considers to be ill-educated" 意味
  11. "she has dimples on her cheeks and chin" 意味
  12. "she has done him no ill" 意味
  13. "she has done some very elegant embroidery" 意味

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